Covid-19 Faqs - Frequently Asked Questions

We've put together responses to the frequently asked questions we receive below. If you can't see the answer to your question, please email us at and a member of the team will get back to you.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why Choose Fideliti?
  • Experts in transitions from other providers
  • Fully managed service as standard
  • Competitive management fee
  • 2 types of childcare vouchers
  • Freephone customer care line
  • Personal & fully flexible approach


Complaints Policy

Fideliti is committed to delivering a quality service at all times. However, we do accept that occasionally things can go wrong. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the service you receive from Fideliti we would like to hear from you. Equally, if you are pleased with the services offered, or have a suggestion on how we might improve our services, do let us know.

We need to know the exact nature of your complaint. Please provide as much information as possible about the service provided, the individuals or department involved and why you felt the service we offered did not meet your expectations.

How to lodge a complaint

You can email or write to the Complaints Administrator at:

Fideliti Limited,
St Andrews House, The Links, Kelvin Close,


Resolution Follow Up and Timeframes

Whoever initially responds to your email or letter will attempt to resolve the issue for you. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive at this stage you can submit a formal complaint in writing.

We will acknowledge it on receipt and pass it to the appropriate staff member for action. If your complaint cannot be resolved by the person initially dealing with it, it will be directed to the relevant senior member of staff.

It is our intention that complaints will be responded to within seven working days.

  • If a full response cannot be given within seven working days (e.g. when a matter is very complex or where we have to consult a third party on the matter) we will aim to resolve it within fourteen business days of receipt, or keep you informed of the progress being made with your complaint if resolution has not been possible.
  • If the complaint remains unresolved after this time, we will advise you and keep you updated of the circumstances.
  • If the complaint remains unresolved after four weeks we will advise you and keep you updated of the circumstances.
  • A final response will be issued in all instances within eight weeks.

The Director accepts full responsibility for effective complaints handling. In all cases we will treat your complaint with fairness and objectivity.

What to do if you are still unhappy

If you feel your complaint has not been satisfactorily dealt with you have the option to put your concerns directly, in writing, to Kate Peet – Operations Manager.

Kate Peet
Operations Manager
Fideliti Limited,
St Andrews House, The Links, Kelvin Close,

A reply will be sent to you within fourteen working days of receipt of your letter.